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Writer's pictureClotaire Mandel

The beginner guide, gear list aside.

Updated: Nov 13, 2022

Having ridden recently with people for whom this was their first cycling adventure, or close to it, I took note of what they said about surprises and difficulties to cobble together a little list of mental notes for those who might have to jump in soon.

In addition, I often receive questions that are often the same, so I'm doing a little recap of what it's good to have in mind.

There's no shame in not knowing. There's no problem with stumbling or hesitating. And if the people around you do things automatically, it's often because they're people who've been there many times. You have to start somewhere, and it's good to have a little feedback to avoid avoidable mistakes.

As I have written much more than I intended to at the beginning, here is a small chaptering of the parts:

Knowing that: I remain available for any question or if something is not clear, that I will write more about the wild camping and that I will make an article about the trip and the expenses later.


Gear. Coming to gear, you can check what I use over here or if it remains unclear, feel free to contact me ! Equipment, where to buy it and how to transport it :

Surprisingly enough, you often hear people planning to find a bike and gear locally to get started. This is not impossible, but depending on where you plan to get it, the quality of the gear and the ease of getting it varies greatly. Coming to gear, you can check what I use over here or if it remains unclear, feel free to contact me !

If the quality of the material and the possibility of not finding everything you want doesn't matter, then why not. Otherwise, I would advise to find everything before leaving, and to arrive equipped.

The quality of the material is not the same at all depending on where you hope to find it, the price is not the same, and above all the availability makes the choice much tighter. All the more so as, and this is also often surprising, it is easy to steal with a bike these days. I'll talk about this below!

The bike :

I won't go into detail about specific models, the list is already long, and getting longer every day, but the question still comes up often. It's easy to get lost these days. .

I think there are several questions to ask yourself: where will you mostly ride, how much can you spend, and what is available on the market.

By having an idea of the budget and the type of bike you want, you can already identify a smaller part of the bikes available. Secondly, as the market is still tight following COVID, not everything is available as easily as before.

And above all, if the question arises, I think we should aim for versatility. A bike that goes everywhere, on which you have enough range to go up and down in tyre size depending on where you are going.

Tubeless, number of gears, braking system. The list is long of parameters to take into account. But I'd be happy to answer questions privately.

The bike that suits you is the one that you like, seems adequate, and above all the one that will give you pleasure and confidence to travel the globe.

The stove :

Another recurrent question, but the possible answers are less.

Personally, I am 100% petrol stove. For the simple reason that it is the easiest to manage in terms of fuel. You can find petrol pumps absolutely everywhere in the world, and even roadside vendors, and at decent prices

The stove itself is heavy, cumbersome, expensive to buy and needs to be tamed a bit in use. But it is a lesser evil if you plan to cycle across the planet.

On a more local scale, you can change your strategy: it's easy to find gas, wood or alcohol. But it's either expensive, time-consuming to heat or absolutely uncontrollable in terms of cooking.

So if it's just for heating pasta ok, but as soon as you want to cook, and it's quite nice on the long run, the petrol stove is probably the most appropriate.

The tent :

Without going into the models here either, I simply vote for the freestanding one. Considerations of weight and interior space are up to each individual. But freestanding is freedom. There are many examples of places where it is a pain to drag a tent that has to be pitched in the ground.

Seasons and versatility :

One of the questions that often comes up is the management of seasons and temperatures. There are two schools of thought on this. The first is to carry everything from A to Z in order to have the greatest possible amplitude on the bike at all times. Or the second school, mine, which preaches for an adaptation along the way.

It's pretty simple. I always have enough for a reasonable cold. But let's just say that the cold spells are either predictable or short-lived. If it's predictable, then you plan ahead. You can buy an extra down jacket and a second duvet to cope with this period. It can be second hand, or something you sell. Cheap local stuff that you can then give away. But why drag a down jacket in the tropics for the time when you'll be crossing the passes of Central Asia?

And if it's only for a short time, all the more reason to find a duvet and an extra jumper to get you through in comfort. Nothing too much to wear and no unnecessary expenses.

Another technique is to send packages. Get what you need sent when you need it, and send it again when potentially needed, or back home! It costs a bit more, but it avoids clutter, and you can also slip a few souvenirs and things that are no longer needed into the parcel on the way.

Backpack :

A small folding backpack in the panniers allows you to have something to do the shopping, to carry easily excess or also to change the mode of transport and go hiking for a few days. An unframed backpack is preferable, so that you can roll it up and take it everywhere.

Pots and kitchens :

If you like to cook, don't hesitate to get a slightly larger pot. It doesn't make much difference in terms of weight and space, especially since you can put more in it when you store it. But it does make a difference to be able to put a lot of vegetables in the pot.

Just as much as a small kitchen kit. A good knife, a chopping board, some spices and off you go!

The pump :

If there's one thing you shouldn't skimp on, it's the pump. A good pump that is efficient in all circumstances is worth carrying an extra 50 grams. It's an expense, for sure, but totally justified.

Having stored mine outside, and seeing it approaching obsolescence, I would advise putting it inside, away from water, dust, mud and moisture.

Second toothbrush :

I'm always surprised that I'm the only one who drags a toothbrush around just for the bike. It allows you to clean the chain, cassette and crankset often, easily and efficiently.

It doesn't take up any space, doesn't cost anything and in a few minutes every few days I have a clean groupset. This is all the more necessary with a 1x12 groupset I find. It clogs up quickly, but above all it feels really rough when you pedal through too much mud or dust. Much more than on a 3x9 groupset like I had before.

The little music of the bike :

You quickly get to know the noise your bike makes, so you quickly hear the slightest irregularity. Like changing the chorus of your favourite song, it burns your ears.

The same goes for the bike. Except that it can be a whole lot of things, and it needs to be stopped quickly. For two reasons:

- To fix the problem before it gets worse. It may be nothing, but it can also break, break spokes, tear straps. It's in your interest to fix the problem without ignoring it.

- Big risks ahead. It can also get stuck in the wheel and make you fly over it.

Water filter :

This is a very wide subject. But essential. There are several types, some of which filter and others which only purify.

But above all, what a marvel of freedom to be able to filter and drink water just about anywhere. It's an expense, but considering the price of bottled water, it pays for itself. And that's without mentioning the ecological impact.

Having a filter and purifier combo can be good too, as in most cases the water is clear enough to be purified. The steripen is perfect for this. With a katadyn befree filter you are king or queen of the world.

Lots of possibilities, lots of views. But get a filter, that's for sure.

Aluminium strap : One part of the strap that sometimes breaks is the plastic clip. An aluminium version exists, which I highly recommend. Sometimes looking at the gram can be expensive.


Back up. Banking and debit card :

It's good to have a solid back-up, and it doesn't require fortunes or crazy organisation.

First of all, I advise to take several bank cards, in several small online banks. It allows you to have withdrawal amounts without high fees, to be able to communicate more easily than with French banks, to lose or block money without being catastrophic.

Moreover, some banks allow you to open accounts in multiple currencies in a few seconds and without fees. Without a bank card in Indonesia, I was able to pay by bank transfer with my Indonesian account opened in a few seconds. Just change the money directly on the application from euros to the desired currency. A small revolution. I personally use Revolut and Wise.

Sim card :

International sim cards are becoming more and more common. It is good to be able to call when necessary. This can be more often than expected.

And if not, check that the sim card you are using has an international option. Without necessarily using it, this allows you to receive outside calls. Like bank or application confirmation codes. Very useful, not to be neglected.

Concerning those that can be bought on the road, the offer is often the same in the countries, but the quality of service and the price differ greatly.

Another factor to consider is the ease of access to wifi. Sometimes it's simple and reliable, so there's less interest in having a local sim card.

On the other hand, for research, contacts, google satellite, reservations, communication, it is clear that it is really profitable to have a local sim card, especially if it is cheap.

Skype :

In case you can't use a local or international sim card, it's a good idea to have a Skype account open and ready to use with a few dozen euros on it. It may never be used. But it can also get you out of some situations where problems can only be solved by phone.

Sort your shit out :

Before you leave, make sure that everything is taken care of. That you don't have to go back to hand in, pick up, sign, drop off this or that. It sounds silly, but I was glad to have a dedicated friend in Grenoble when in the middle of Zambia I only had a few days left to get my stuff back from where it was stored.

Finance :

It is often said that you don't spend much when you travel by bike. This may or may not be true. But beyond your lifestyle and the expenses that go with it, sometimes things don't go as planned. And having enough money to buy another last minute plane ticket, a second visa, repair the camera or the bike may be necessary.

The fixed costs are often low, but in the end, the unexpected extras add up quickly.

Documents :

I would recommend having documents scanned and neatly stored in several places. On the email box, a flash drive and even hidden in the phone with special applications. Having a small pouch with paper documents and a summary document of passwords, logins and other billion numbers is also extremely useful.

Passport :

Be aware of what your passport is able to offer. Keep abreast of changes in visa requirements, entry and exit. Do not rely on one group that may have very different visa requirements. Always be aware of what it means to transit, self check in, extension, online visa or visa at the border.

It seems obvious, but believe me, it happens faster than you think.

Repair kit :

In addition to the standard repair kit for the bike, it is also good to have something to repair the tent (mosquito net, canvas, roll bar), the mattress or even the waterproof bags. With some repair patches you can cover a lot of situations. It doesn't take up space, doesn't weigh much, but it can save a situation.

Test and approve :

Don't go with new equipment that you don't know. Like a gas stove that you've never tried to light, a new saddle that doesn't fit you...

The ultralight :

Don't think it's for everyone because it looks cool in photos or on other people's bikes. It's expensive, it often lasts less time, and yes, it requires special attention.


Miscellaneous :

A complex world :

I'm afraid I sound old saying this, but there have definitely been changes since I've been travelling.

The world has become strangely complicated. You have to carry your phone with you all the time, a whole bunch of applications, scan stuff, send stuff. In short, it becomes a bit less fun sometimes.

Situations become Ubuesque at times.

And that's without mentioning the banking world, with which I am constantly fighting to keep my account from being blocked regularly.

Phone numbers change, contact forms, passwords, logins. In short, it's a new era. Where and how to find people :

Various reasons why we would like to find people to meet, to cycle with. In bulk: cycling groups on what's app, facebook groups, small calls on instagram. It's also much easier when you ride in places that are frequented by cycling tourists.

Or even simpler, let the road bring us company. But you have to be patient sometimes.

How to start :

You don't have to be a great sportsman to be able to travel by bike. You just have to be indulgent with yourself, give yourself time and the means to progress.

Start with flat sections and short distances. Let your legs and head get used to it and be ready to push further. Give yourself time, and don't plan too much to avoid disappointment. Keep expectations low enough not to get discouraged.

Everyone can do it, whoever we are. For some it may take longer to acclimatise. But the idea of the bike trip is there too, to take the time you need and want to get where you want to go.

Learn to be proud of the small steps you take.

Map and courage :

On large journeys, large crossings, do not be put off by the scale of the maps. It is a good idea to divide the maps into smaller sections, in weeks for example, so that you can see and feel yourself progressing in space.

You can't look at the map of the Americas when you've only just left Deadhorse, it's too big, too crazy for you to still find motivation to move forward. Bit by bit, even on the map.

Ease of camping and a sense of security :

It is difficult to give precise rules for camping for many reasons. And I think this is the time when people feel most vulnerable.

As time goes by, as experience builds up, you tend to see confidence grow. It's easier then to surrender to situations and places that would have repelled you at the beginning.

Give yourself time at the beginning to learn about wilderness camping, noises, trusting the world around you. Follow your own rules and obey your instincts.

Camping means finding a place to sleep. So the night, the dark, the darkness. It's a new world to tame. Especially as each day is a different setting.

There is no shame in not camping in the wild. And give yourself time to feel comfortable.

Adaptation :

The key word. You have to adapt constantly. And this is all the more the case when you leave your country, your landmarks.

Don't hesitate to sit down and observe the world around you, try to find the codes, the habits. A few words in the language, a permanent smile.

Always ready to bounce back, to see beyond the immediacy of a situation.

Also accepting not to understand, to remain on the surface of things.

Towards infinity and beyond :

As far as possible, avoid time restrictions. It avoids looking at the watch or the calendar, or feeling rushed.

Moreover, it takes a little time to adapt to feel good physically, to abandon oneself to wandering and its psychological benefits.

Without a return date? That's even better. And if not, as long as possible.

Money :

You can live easily on little. Stay in Europe and avoid transport and visa costs, for example. You don't have to be rich to travel for a long time, you just have to restrict yourself a bit sometimes, and find happiness elsewhere than in the pleasures of buying.

It's good to go with solid equipment that you won't need to change or repair on the road.

You can also try to exchange some of your work and skills for room and board. What also works well, and for me in the first place, is to draw up an itinerary according to the possibilities of a work visa to combine the useful with the pleasant.

But money is like physics, you don't need much, you adapt.

And then, let's just say you have to be smart to get the most out of it without having to pay for everything.

A lodge with a swimming pool in the Namib desert, chances are that the rooms are too expensive. But with an afternoon drink you can enjoy the services of the place without being worried. That's what being a modern vagabond is all about, embracing the system without offending anyone.

You don't get anything without asking :

Don't hesitate to ask, for anything.

If you are stuck and need a shared connection, a truck ride, some water or a safe place to sleep, don't hesitate to ask. In the worst case, you will be told no. And in the rest of the cases, the stars align to unblock your situation.

People are often willing to help. It just takes a bit of a push to get them to do so. Also, your needs are not written down anywhere, no one can guess, so go ahead and ask.

It avoids getting into unnecessarily stressful situations that can be solved with a little push.

Water :

This brings me back to the subject of water. Sometimes, you don't necessarily want to drink the water of the big cities, to buy bottles or more prosaically, the laziness to filter. Do not hesitate to ask people, restaurants, shops, petrol stations. In South East Asia, almost everyone has a water canister with a tap, you will rarely be refused a bottle. In Thailand, watch out for machines that sell filtered water on the street. It only costs a few cents for a couple of litres.

Get out of what you think you know :

Are you stuck and can't find anywhere to sleep? Don't dwell on the apprehensions of life in France.

Police stations, hospitals, petrol stations, churches, temples, mosques, restaurants, cafes. So many places with space to pitch a tent.

It might be a waste of time for you, but you are far from it, and you are a tourist. So go ahead and ask. Most of the time, you can get away with it. Sometimes with all the little touches for the pilgrim. It's amazing, it's good to be alive and it opens up a whole world of possibility.

Permission :

Never forget, however, that if it is possible, it needs the approval of the parties involved. So introduce yourself, present the situation and do things properly. Because even if you get through without too much damage, don't forget those who come after.

The ambassador :

Because yes, we are ambassadors of many things, of much more than a name on a passport. We potentially represent a country, a continent, a skin colour, a look, tourists, cyclists, Europeans, tattooed people, girls, boys.

Never forget that the good we do on the road will benefit those who come after and who will be trusted more easily and more serenely.

The notion of comfort :

A journey and the way in which you experience it can depend on very little. Do not fall into the paranoia of minimalism before leaving. It's a good thing to have all the comforts you want at the beginning and that make you feel happy and safe. You can always resell, donate or send back the excess afterwards!

A few words of language :

Without having the ambition to speak every language on the planet, a few words are enough to break the ice and show respect and interest. It is worth taking a few minutes to learn the basic words!

The relationship with the body :

Take some time to observe and study the world around you. It probably says a lot about the relationship that local people have with the body. This will determine our behaviour as tourists. Don't shower naked if you can be caught, don't take off your shirt anywhere even if it's hot. It can also be a beach where absolutely no women are in bikinis. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, but it's good to take note of what's going on around you and make up your own mind.

Dogs :

I think I could write a little guide on that. Well, if there is one thing that scared me before I started cycling, it was dogs. And especially crossing Turkey. It makes me laugh to think now about the fear it gave me.

It's not only in Turkey though, and it's not that bad.

Very often they bark from afar, those are the least dangerous. The ones who keep quiet and act quickly, silently and surreptitiously are the most dangerous.

I would say that you should always keep an eye on things. Being aware of your surroundings also means being aware of dogs.

There are a couple of gestures that scare 99% of them away: shouting, holding up your canteen and throwing some water for example.

Otherwise, I often stop suddenly and pretend to pick something up. A gesture that the vast majority of dogs understand immediately. Pretend to pick up pebbles, or not, and throw them.

Sometimes it takes a few tries when they come back at you, but with a good raucous cry and a pretend rock throw, or not, I've managed to keep the calf and bike out of reach. For the time being.

Ps: I think yelling at it exorcised the evil from the start. Poor dogs, I'm almost sorry.

Let it go :

A little advice from a nervous boy: learn to let go.

There are things that drive me crazy pretty quickly and that I have a hard time tolerating, but I try to let things go without a fuss.

You don't gain anything by raising your voice or becoming aggressive. Sometimes it's better to put your pride aside and accept a "fuck you" or a middle finger from the side of the road, to pay a little more for a lawyer or a night in a hotel.

And if that sounds obvious to you, it's not necessarily obvious to me.

The trouble :

Don't fool yourself. It's great to travel by bike, for sure. But what people want to share and pass on is only a part of what the reality is.

So yes, sometimes you get bored. It's repetitive, not very beautiful, not very interesting, déjà vu. But it's only a fleeting stage.

A less interesting link between two nice places. A flat period that will link two charming and welcoming beings. Patience, and above all, not too much waiting. The magic here lies mainly in the art of the impromptu. Everything comes at the right time.

Podcasts :

There's nothing like listening to podcasts to ease the long days on the road. Plenty of choice, but for those who want to keep an ear on the world, France Culture and Radio France more generally offer a high quality choice.

The easiest way to do this is to download a podcast app to get the latest news every day.

All-inclusive price :

What I call the all-inclusive price is the total cost of an operation, once all the additional expenses are taken into account.

For example, taking a hotel 3 euros cheaper a little further from the centre and having to pay 3 euros for public transport to get to the centre, it's the same. And it works like that with everything.

Laziness not an option:

Take the time to do things right away. To visit, to take pictures, to pick up, to buy. We often put things off until later. But often we forget, or we can't find it, we lose it, it disappears.

Almighty english :

English is extremely useful, but in countries with a strong culture, it is often of little use outside the big cities and tourist centres. Don't expect to get everything right with English.


Logistic :

Hotels and stars :

When I have a service to ask for, I aim for hotels that are at least mid-range.

Whether it is to keep your bike, luggage, or even to have an address to send a parcel, I rarely turn to the cheapest ones.

Hotels with a certain standard will be obliged to do you a favour and will rarely refuse to keep your bike. And what's more, it will be much safer than elsewhere.

These establishments have a reputation, an idea of hospitality and a sense of return.

So in exchange for a good google review, you can often ask the managers for a few favours.

Flying with the bike :

In the end, it couldn't be easier. Well, it's always a bit stressful, but once you get to grips with the process, it's pretty easy.

First of all, most airlines offer to take the bike on board as normal luggage. So as long as you stay within the weight limit indicated on your booking, the bike counts as a suitcase!

However, you should check the policy of each airline. And one at a time if you are flying with multiple airlines to your destination.

So, as long as the airline accepts bikes, just manage to have enough kilos and the problem is solved.

To pack it, just deflate and remove the tyres, take off the pedals and handlebars. You will probably have to remove the luggage racks if the box is too small.

I always put the bike upside down on the saddle so that the sensitive parts don't touch the ground (fork, crankset, derailleur). Then I wrap all these parts in foam so that they don't touch if the box is put upside down.

Everything that is disassembled (screws, pedals, chain...) goes into a small box well packed with the multi tool. This way you don't lose anything and you don't have to spend an hour looking for your tool to put it back together.

I would strongly advise to have pedals that can be screwed and unscrewed from the inside with a hexagonal key, and not only with a flat key. It avoids having to carry too much, and especially not being able to screw or unscrew.

And then it's pretty easy, just let the company do it and hope that everything arrives in one piece and at the right place. Bikes arrive at the oversized baggage counter, so don't wait around the turnstile. And sometimes, when boarding, you will have to drop them off yourself at the oversize counter.

Ps: don't forget the pump to re-inflate everything when you arrive!

Train, bus, hitchhiking :

Once again, this is a dense subject and depends on many things.

In this case, the country you are in, the person you meet, the bus/train station itself.

I don't even know where to start, but I'll try to make a list of things that influence and should be taken into account:

- Avoid small train and bus stations, buses and trains often only make one quick stop. Either you will have no chance to get your bike and luggage in time, or it will be done too quickly and unsafely. You can lose a lot in the rush to save a few hours.

- Find the right person. Just because someone says "no bike no bike no bike" doesn't mean it can't be done. It's often just a matter of finding the right person.

- Plan well in advance. Nothing is worse than a bus that leaves in 2 minutes after throwing the bike on the roof without securing it and telling you that everything is fine. Getting there in advance means comparing choices, prices and offers. Also, make sure there are ropes to tie the bikes down.

- Hitchhiking can be worth it. A bike in a truck or in the back of a jeep is a snap. And people are often happy to help.

- Don't be too price conscious. A bike is not the same as a backpack, and people know that.

- Everything is possible. Don't be afraid to spend more, to refuse to take no for an answer.

- For the buses, it's easy to let the hostels book for us. For a little more money than we expect, we let others manage for us.

Big cities :

Getting in and out of big cities can be scary. But there are several things that can be done to make the process more pleasant.

I always try to spot the major arteries, so that I have as little zigzagging as possible and can easily hold the road with large perpendicular arteries. As much as possible in a straight line.

Secondly, in large cities in Muslim countries, Fridays are often much quieter. As a day of collective prayer, it is perhaps the most interesting day to enter or leave.

Early in the morning also seems to be much more sensible. Less traffic, less noise, less stress.

And if you don't want to drive at all, you can often take a train to the suburbs. Or for that matter, another technique is to live in the suburbs so that you don't have to cycle in and out!

To ride in big cities or in really busy places, I do the french called "tout schuss" technique, just like skiing. I go straight, I follow my line.

People have grown up and live in this urban mess, they know how to drive. And things go strangely efficiently and calmly. Embrace it, ride, and trust them.

Always have a spare corner :

Don't want to stick too closely to the prevailing minimalism and allocate a little space. This is especially true for longer and more distant trips. Be able to carry some souvenirs, accept some fruit and also carry some fresh vegetables and extra water to stay longer in one place.

Don't have all the panniers full at the start!

General misunderstanding :

For countries where English is not a given and you don't speak the local language, it is always good to go beyond signs, mimics and other techniques.

If you are a vegetarian, a small sign with clear directions can help to make yourself understood everywhere!

What I was also able to do was a folder in the phone with pictures of bread, eggs and other basic things that you can look for hours without finding if you don't have the right words and if you don't know where to look!

The mechanics :

I've often heard from people who found themselves in funny situations because they had no idea how to fix a puncture.

Frankly, it doesn't cost much to spend 30 minutes at home trying to fix it in a calm and unpressured environment. That plus a few other little things. You become more independent and more relaxed.

And then it helps in everyday life at home for those who pedal just to go to work. And then you can help others.

Bicycle box :

If you want to fly with your bike, if you find a big TV box, it is much more profitable than a bike box. For reasons that escape me, people have much more respect for a TV than for a bike, and the chances of the box arriving intact are much higher!

Kona makes boxes with a TV on them! Or you can draw one, write it down or put stickers on it. Almost guaranteed to arrive intact!

To get a box, don't hesitate to send a few emails or messages to the shop in advance. Otherwise, almost all shops have some in reserve. Sometimes you pay, sometimes not. Sometimes it's cheap, sometimes it's really expensive.

Warmshower :

The warmshower network is a network of accommodation only for cyclists, so don't hesitate to have a look around. It's often a really good time.

Insurance :

Having insurance can be reassuring, and is useful in case of problems anyway.

However, make sure that it is obvious. In many countries, the reality is brutal. Without insurance, you are not transported anywhere. You are left to die. It's as simple as that.

So if you're alone, make it more or less obvious.


Multiply your chances and prospects by having various GPS applications. They often have different jobs, and often free, so you might as well use them.

Some in Australia or NZ are real mines of information.

Visa :

Always remember to leave some extra time for visas to arrive. Sometimes you have to wait a few days at the border because you thought it would arrive faster. Frustrating.

US dollars :

Always good to have cash in case of problems with credit cards. But above all, always good to have US dollars, sometimes even euros are not accepted.

Riding in groups :

Sometimes you ride in a group, sometimes alone. And the groups can be organised groups of friends, or spontaneous meetings.

Whatever they are, I think it is good to clarify things from the start. What each person expects from the group, the level of independence of each person...

We can cook together or not, ride together during the day or not, have a similar route or not. But to avoid the inconveniences of the roadside under a blazing sun, it is good to put all this down from the beginning. Taking numbers:

I didn't see the point, and now I take all the numbers and contacts I'm given. It's always useful, later on when we go to these people, or in case of a problem or need for translation. It doesn't take long, it doesn't cost anything and it can get you out of a tight spot. Local contacts, even for a distant future, are always good.

Screenshots and photos:

Don't rely on your memory, take screenshots of your research, maps, places. Pictures of signs, or things you might have to describe later. Easy, quick and efficient, it can always be useful, because we forget quickly in a world where we are constantly stimulated.


That was me. I'll complete it in the future, and open to any reaction or question. If you enjoyed it and actually found it useful, you can consider a donation to keep me working, sharing and rolling.

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May 21, 2023

Flying with a bicycle has been nothing but major unpredictable red-tape drama for me. Hah. And twice almost missed my flight because of ground staff's different interpretation of airline's rules. X)

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