Le pedalistan - Clotaire Mandel
Le pedalistan, or a bike journey without returning date or particular ambition more than cycling across every single continent and to see the biggest slice of this planet as possible.
Here is a website to share stories, photos, thoughts and podcasts.
The cyclist, a 32yo french bloke who hardly stand still. With a endless curiosity I keep crossing borders and share a snap of the world my senses perceive.
Here is a bit of myself, but mainly what I've encountered.

Interview and publications :
- The first legs at Global biker !
- Deep thoughts at Smoky camp
- Radio inteview at Allô la planète
- Article on the Australian outback at Desirelinecc
- Photos published in "bicycle traveller magazine" - November 2019
- Portrait in magazine "200" - April 2020
- 6 pages on carnets d'aventures - April/may/june 2020
- Article/portrait on Cycle travel overload
- New Year's eve snaps on the famous Bikepacking.com
Help and sponsors :
- Merit gear : Bikepacking bags handmade in Amsterdam. Good good stuff and awesome people
- Vera cycling : Strong and beautiful cycling cap. Custom made in north of France.
- Offlap : Backpack, dyneema bag, tool roll and wallet custom made from Tokyo by a passionate.
- Countless help from family and perfect strangers. Thousand thanks.

A little help :
Never against a little help to keep rolling. Everything I do and share is freely shared and I do it for the pleasure I got out of it and to give back a tiny bit of what I've received.
But if envy and possibility exist, a little help is never too much. It helps to keep riding, paying visas, fixing bike and replacing what's need to be.
To Buy me a coffee :
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