Hi lads !
Life is easier with a few food staples on the road. Something easy to prepare, cheap, healthy and also, easy to find everywhere.
That's why those staples are changing quite often. Regarding the country, continent and level of remoteness, you'll have to adapt.
But in ordinary conditions, you might be able to stick to the same pattern, till the point where you get fed up with you daily classic.
And as well, by not loving spending too long in bloody supermarkets, I try to make it fast. By having staples, you're not spending time strolling down the alleys at the end of a long day, in a jam-packed shop.
So, for ages I've been cooking eggs on morning. Tasty, proteins, easy, quick.
But some things have changed and here was my thoughts :
- Want to slide into a vegan brekkie
- Healthy option indeed
- As less packaging as possible
- Quick, good and efficient
- Ability to easily pack for few days with no hassle
- Get ride of my pan
It's quite difficult to carry eggs, even for a couple of hours. Well, not really difficult, but risky. And actually, I just didn't want to buy eggs anymore.
The main reason why I was carrying a pan was mostly for my morning omelet. No omelet, no pan. More space, less weight.
So I found a easy option : bread, chocolate, peanut butter. Lipids, glucids, proteins. Sort out.
Nothing crazy. With a good cuppa, a banana and a handful of dry fuits, it's a good option.
I just try to get local products as well. As much as possible.
- Here the peanut butter comes from Nelson, litteraly 10km away from my room, and it's widely available in the country. Made locally with no added sugar or palm oil. Anyway, easy to find in every country.
I have a plastic container I carry along with me, then I just have to buy glass jar, transfer the butter and recycle the container.
If I'm home, I'll keep the glass to stock up some grains or whatever.
Even better, here in NZ in some shops we can do ourselves our fresh peanut butter directly in your jar.
- More difficult for the chocolate indeed. But I got a vegan chocolate from the main fairtrade company here. And the packaging is compostable. Best option I found so far.
And I wanted to push the concept a bit forward : bake my own bread ! Few reasons for that : - Idiotproof recipe - Cheap to make, and cheaper than buying from market/bakery - Much better than what you can find in most places - Looks good as - Makes me feel french as fuck
As said, the recipe is fairly easy : water, wheat, yeast, salt. And a oven indeed.
1) For 4 breads, I use 3 cups of wholemeal wheat, a cupish of water, a bag of yeast and a tablespoon of pink himalayan salt.
2) Mix it together
3) Reach a non sticky dough stage
4) Cover for 2 hours under a cloth - Preheat the oven 150°c
5) Chuck the bread in for 15 minutes ish. However more a visual aspect goal than timing.
6) Get yourself one warm bun, peanut butter and chocolate inside. All melting together. Enjoy and lick your fingers.
6) Eat bread every day and pretend being French.
Note : I use baking tray paper made from special forest and certified not using trees from primary forests. I use and reuse the sheets.
Easy peasy at home, bit more difficult on the road. But once you access an oven, just get some wheat and yeast. Do a lot, give away, stock up for the following days. Store in a zip bag some wheat for the next stop, or to cook chapati on your stove. Oh yeah one thing, this recipe comes from Léa, a french traveller some might know. I really love her kitchen blog : here !
It's all about vegan food, when tramping or at home. Idiotproof as well, tasty and cheap : no excuses not to. And she's fucking badass.